Frequently Asked Questions

What is Taekwondo?

Taekwondo is a Korean martial art of self-defense, using bare hands and feet. Taekwondo literally means “hand, foot, and way of life.” It was developed centuries ago by Korean monks, who were not allowed to carry weapons, as a means to protect themselves. Today many people find that there are many other benefits to be gained from training in Taekwondo, including weight control, improved flexibility, increased stamina, and strong mental focus. Taekwondo is still actively practiced by Buddhist monks in Korea today. 

Why should I / and or my children take Taekwondo?

It is common knowledge that regular exercise offers many health benefits. It is also true that many adults and children do not get adequate exercise in their lives. Taekwondo is an ideal solution for many people because it not only promotes physical fitness, but also provides the added benefit of learning self-defense techniques. Through physical and mental training, Taekwondo helps individuals become more resilient, confident, patient, and strong. Taekwondo is more than just a sport; it is an art form rooted in history and tradition. By studying Taekwondo, the student is opening his or her mind to new ideas, cultures, and ways of life.

Why should I choose Choi's Taekwondo?

Choi’s Taekwondo  offers many advantages over other martial arts schools including:

  1. History
  2. Tradition
  3. Strong Organization
  4. Proven Training Methods
  5. Mature, Experienced, and Knowledgeable Instructors

For more information on why you should choose Choi’s Taekwondo, please see the About page.

At what age can my children start Taekwondo?

The minimum age for starting Taekwondo at our school is five. Past experiences have shown that most children younger than five do not have long enough attention spans to comprehend or follow instructions well. As a result, they often experience frustration and give up. It is better to wait until the child is old enough to fully benefit and enjoy the classes rather than to start them too early.

How long does it take to earn a black belt?

It generally takes between three and one-half to five years depending on the time commitment and individual abilities. Getting a Black Belt is not a race. Rather, it is a process of learning about perseverance, self-improvement, determination, discipline, confidence, and other qualities that are required in Taekwondo. Students are encouraged to train at their own pace. The ultimate goal for each student is to earn the Black Belt because it is a culmination of years of training and symbol of perseverance, knowledge and a major accomplishment.

How many different belt colors are there?

Novice Level:

  1. White
  2. White/Yellow Stripe
  3. Yellow
  4. Yellow/Orange Stripe
  5. Orange
  6. Orange/Purple Stripe

Intermediate Level 1:

  1. Purple
  2. Purple/Green Stripe
  3. Green
  4. Green/Blue Stripe

Intermediate Level 2:

  1. Blue
  2. Blue/Brown Stripe
  3. Brown
  4. Brown/Red Stripe


  1. Red
  2. Red/Black Stripe
  3. Black (1st Dan)
Why are there so many belts?

The reason is “motivation.” Each different belt color allows the student to see the progress that he or she is making towards the ultimate goal of becoming a black belt. It also allows others within the Taekwondo community to recognize the student’s level of experience.

How do I get promoted from one belt level to the next?

The instructor will inform the student when he or she is ready to test for the next level. Eligibility is determined by the number of days trained, as well as the instructor’s judgement as to whether or not the student has achieved the expertise required for the intended rank. The average time in each rank is 2 months for the Novice Ranks, 4 months for the Intermediate and Advanced levels.

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